Monday, September 11, 2006

Jared's birthday bash was Friday afternoon. He didn't want any presents except for a cap gun. He wanted all of his friends to come over for a party. So, we went all out on a great big guy party. Look for all the photos on In the meantime, here's one of the guys at the mess hall. If you are looking through dotphoto, you might wonder what in the world is happening with Marci & her friend, Olivia. Well, Drill Sargeant Daddy decided to take the new recruits out in the woods for a search & rescue operation. It was great fun for all, except when one of the rotting pieces of wood snapped & the rescuers nearly dropped the rescuees! The boys had fun on the tire swing to close the festivities. It was a great time of visiting, playing, and eating for all! Grandpa Nelson, you'd be proud to know that we baked apple pie instead of cake again this year.

I let each one choose a favorite activity outdoors for picture time. This caused Emily to have to think hard. Daddy finally found something for her to do outdoors! She LOVED it, of course.

What beautiful faces, eh? Okay, I'm just a little biased :) It's a great time of year and we finally got a sunny day, the mowing was completed and it was a fun time to romp around to each child's favorite spot for a photo. Next, look for each one doing their favorite thing...