Wednesday, February 02, 2011

A Day of Prognostication: Spring to Come Soon

It's my brother Rob's birthday today!  Happy Birthday Rob!!!  Last night on Skype the Georgia cousins wanted to see pictures of our snow.  It doesn't look too exciting, but here it is:
Free popsicles!

We're trying to refrain from breaking these off in hopes they'll reach the snow!
My work crew this afternoon!

Buried in the snow.  We're so sad.

NOT!  Such sibling love!
Today was another snow day here in Montrose.  So, we've been home with nowhere to go for THREE days straight.  I think we're looking forward to dance lessons and music lessons tomorrow :).  And, we're especially excited to see sunshine in Friday's forecast! 

An amusing quote sent by THE FATHER:
Rob's Birthday - Groundhog Day BOTH occur on the same day.

It's an ironic juxtaposition of events; one event involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of limited intelligence for prognostication, on his birthday, while yet another involves a groundhog.