What I Should Have Shared
I want to say just two words, “She’s real.” She’s the same Jody at home as she is here, to all of you. Isn’t that reassuring? She’s authentic. I wish I’d ordered my t-shirt. It’d say, “Don’t you wish Jody was your mama?!?” I’m not wishin’ – ‘cause she is!
And, for Daddy, another few words, “Mrs. Proverbs 31.” He always praised her as that to us. May we arise today & call her blessed. She’s worth more – is that not what I heard? Yes, she’s worth far more than rubies! Yes, she’s worth more than a computer, desk chair, camera, and all that. She is– and one day I know she’ll receive the crown of life. One day, she’ll get her rewards. It may not be while we’re alive here on earth, but that’s because Jody didn’t pursue things for herself, did she? She pursued things of eternal value. She could’ve pursued her own goals – a career, or whatever. She’d have been far greater than a secretary. But, I’m convinced that the four of us wouldn’t be the men/women we are today if she had. It was 10 a.m. prayers each day one summer and things like that that have forever changed us.
What is easier? To make much of yourself – to follow after your dreams – or to make nothing of yourself – to make yourself a servant to all – and to point others to Jesus? Yes, I think the title I heard wasn’t “Jody, competent secretary whom nobody can replace,” but “Jody, one who points others to Jesus” who will SORELY be missed (evoking tears from the best of us, eh?!?). She’s not the lady about whom you all say to your children, “Aspire to be like her” – is she? Do you say, “Go, be a secretary?” No! We want MORE for our children, don’t we Dr. Bradley??! J Ahh, but I don’t.
I never realized how smart, how capable, how admirable my mom was ‘til I had to fill her shoes – to make nothing of myself, my own selfish pursuits – to be a servant, love others and most of all to love & be like Jesus. But, yes, I’m telling my kids that here’s a lady worth emulating. “Be like Grandma Jody.”
My thirteen-year-old daughter wrote a paper this past fall. It was about her cheerful servant of a Grandma. The one who’s always giving gifts and thinking of others before herself. It was “Jody, pointer of others to Jesus.” So if my teenager doesn’t want to chase after all kinds of things to be all about herself, that’s fine with me. I’m glad she’s recognizing that the truly important character qualities are those exhibited in her Grandma.
So, is Jody retiring? No! She won’t be secretary of _________ any longer, but she’ll still be “Jody, pointer of others to Jesus.” And, selfishly, I’m glad she’ll be more available to be that to my children. May her children arise and call her blessed. Mrs. Proverbs 31. She’s real … because she’s like Jesus.
I love you, Mom.
(3 am thoughts by Lara)