Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Scranton Cultural Center History Mystery Tour

The Scavenger Hunt Masters

Look who can snap his fingers!!!

It was REALLY hard for these two not to R U N ... so they could be first :)

Jared was chosen to help the magician!

And then he chose Briella and called me an "Oriental Tourist" because I kept snapping so many pictures!
Monday morning was made much more fun by a trip to Scranton.  We headed out at 8:30, found a quick parking place by feeding the meter ALL of our quarters.  Titus explained this to an elderly man crossing the street.  He gave Titus a quarter!  He was 85 and so sweet :).  The tour began by dividing us into four teams of different colors.  The green team included all the Roses (except Emily & Briella) and the Elys.  We had a blast going up and down that master staircase.  I guess that made up for me turning around at Bill Bayne's this morning instead of making it to the top of the hill ;).  And, we won the coupons for free Applebee Kid's meals ... which we plan to save for our cross-country trip at Christmas. 

Monday afternoon was spent doing history, art, music and working on the research paper for the electric car.  I have good motivation to keep up on my blog now -- a worthy excuse for letting the kids tend to the housework :).  Unless, of course, they want to blog ... and gain tally marks!!  (Hint, hint.) 

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